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Choral Music Guide: Dissertations, Books, & Subject Headings

This guide is designed to help you locate choral music and information about choral music


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How can I find books about choral music?

You can search by title, author, or both in the online catalog. Below are general call number ranges for information about choral music.

Suggested Call Numbers for Books about Choral Music

ML48–ML54  librettos

          ML52ML54    librettos of masques, oratorios, and cantatas

ML102       dictionaries and encyclopedias

          ML102.C3      Christmas carols

          ML102.C45    chant

          ML102.C5      church music

          ML102.G6      American gospel music

          ML102.H95    hymns

          ML102.V6      vocal terminology

ML128       bibliographies

          ML128.C13    campaign songs, bibliographies

          ML128.C2      liturgical music (Mass, Requiem, chant), bibliographies

          ML128.C48    choral music, bibliographies         

          ML128.S75    school songs, bibliographies

ML156.4     discographies

          ML156.4.V7   vocal music, discographies

ML420–ML421         biographies of singers and vocal performing groups

ML1500–ML1554      choral music, general

          ML1527         cantata

          ML1537         choruses, secular

          ML1631         odes

ML1600–ML2881      vocal music, secular

ML2400      cantatas

ML2500–ML2860      songs

          ML2600–ML2770       part songs

                    ML2600–ML2633       madrigals, general

                    ML2602                     part songs, general

                    ML2627                     French chansons

                    ML2629                     German secular song

                    ML2631                     English madrigals

                    ML2633                     Italian madrigals

                    ML2661–ML2770       part songs

ML2900–ML3275      vocal music, sacred, general

          ML3000–ML3197       music of individual religions and denominations

                    ML3000                     Christian, general

                    ML3002–ML3095       Roman catholic

                    ML3082                     chant

                    ML3100–ML3188       protestant

                    ML3195                     jewish

                    ML3197                     islamic

          ML3201–ML3275       genres of sacred vocal music

                    ML3201                     oratorio, general

                    ML3204–ML3233       oratorio by region

                    ML3204                     Latin

                    ML3211                     United States

                    ML3229                     Germany

                    ML3233                     Italy

                    ML3260–ML3265       anthem, cantata, choral prelude, crucifixion, Passion

          ML3270         hymns

          ML3275         motet

Subject Headings

Subject Headings for books about Choral Music


antiphons (music)

ave Maria (music)

balletti (part songs)





children's choirs


choral conducting

choral conductors

choral music--bibliography

choral music--history

choral music--instruction and study

choral singing

choral speaking


church music

glees, catches, rounds, etc.

hymn tunes



Magnificat (music)

Mass (music)



passion (music)


Stabat Mater dolorosa (music)

Te Deum laudamus (music)
