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Theology, Ministry, and Religion: Doctor of Ministry

DMin Program

Although the D.Min is a practical degree, the program relies upon the knowledge gained from the most current research available.  Therefore, you will need access to a variety of resources to complete your research, reading, and writing.  On this page you will find various research tools that will assist you as you progress through the program.  You will also find contact information for Elizabeth Norman.  If you have any questions concerning your research needs, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Norman.


       Image result for long narrow photos of research and books     Image result for theological research and writing   Image result for theological research and writingImage result for theological research and writing



Theological Research Exchange Network or TREN is a database that Includes completed DMin projects. If assistance is needed in searching TREN please contact Ms. Norman using the contact information on this page.

Theology Research Roundup!

Theology Research Roundup!

Where to go for library resources if not in the Abilene area

TexShare Libraries

With a TexShare card you may use any library in the state that participates in the TexShare program.  Participating libraries are listed on the TexShare website located at the following website: If you would like to use one of these libraries you should request a TexShare card from Ms. Norman (see contact information on this page).  Student privileges (maximum number of books and check-out time) at TexShare libraries depends upon the policies of the individual library.  

Area Library with which Logsdon Students Have Borrowing Privileges without a TexShare Card

San Antonio

  • Oblate School of Theology
    • Location: 285 Oblate Drive, San Antonio
    • Website:
      • ​Click on "Academics"
      • Click on "D.E. O'Shanghnessy Library" (from drop-down box)
      • Click on "Local Catalog" to search library holdings
    • Student privileges: Borrowing privileges to include a maximum of 10 books for a check-out period of 30 days.
    • Student responsibilities: Must provide a Logsdon ID card and driver's license when checking-out materials


Professor of Libraries, University Librarian